Make your job
easier, with Amplead.

Here, you can explore areas of the music industry that we currently support.

Festival Organisers

Support emerging talent (via Apply To Play), discover new artists, sort and orgnaise applications, use Gigseekr's takeover feature on their scheduling app, and more...


Discover performance and networking opportunities, manage your EPK, connect with venues and promoters, access social media tools, and more...

Artist Managers

Discover both new and emerging talent, manage all aspects of your artist's careers in one place, explore and secure performance and networking opportunities, and more...

Event Organisers

Find the perfect acts (via Apply To Play), discover emerging music, view artist credentials, organise event schedules, and more...

Booking Agents(Coming Soon)

Explore up‑and‑coming artists for possible signings, maximise the visibility of your current acts by exploring forthcoming performance and event opportunities, and more...

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Promoters(Coming Soon)

End your search for venues and support acts, support emerging artists, gain visibility for your service, search events by artist and venue, and more...

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Music Venues(Coming Soon)

Manage your venue, create staff rotas, add your events, include ticket links, boost venue/event visibility, grow your brand, and more...

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Tour Managers(Coming Soon)

Event scheduling tools, route mapping, venue and artist search function, tour finance management, tour bus hire, accommodation options, and more...

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Amplead is constantly growing

Don't see yourself listed above?

Register your interest by entering your email address below, and we will keep you updated as we begin supporting other roles and industry sectors within Amplead.

* No data is stored until your registration is verified. *